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San Carlos Little League - San Diego, CA

San Carlos Little League - San Diego, CA

Spring Season FAQ'S

Spring Baseball at SCLL

The Spring season is our main baseball season. It runs from early February (practices begin, then games) to early June (end of games). Players selected for All Stars teams may continue play into the summer months.

Online registration for the Spring season begins around Nov. 1 of the previous year, and runs through Jan. Registration fees are typically around $180 for tee ball, and Early Bird pricing of $250 the first month of registration until Nov 30th and then $300 for all other divisions until Jan 1st.

Please note that in order to play in our programs, players must either live or go to school within our league boundaries. (This is a Little League rule.) See District 33 boundaries map >

Player Age or League Age:
A player’s age is determined by the age s/he will be on or before August 31 of the spring season. This is called the “league age.” See the 2024 Little League Age Chart.

If your player is older than league age 12, please visit our friends at Patriot League Baseball.  They play on the field east of the SCLL fields.
All players will be registered in divisions according to their "league age."

Tee ball: League age 4, 5, and 6.
Caps: League age 7 (with some league age 6’s who have played a minimum of one season in Tee Ball and request to "play up." See details below)
Rookies: League age 8.
Minors: League age 9 and 10.
Majors: League age 11 and 12.
We want your player to have fun and succeed, so the division of play is adjustable depending on skill and/or experience. Some like to stay an extra year in a lower division and others like to try out for an older division. At registration your player will be registered according to their league age division noted above. Players desiring to "play up" in a division MUST contact their player agent in advance, and attend both divisions' assessments. All players are subject to limited spaces available. There are no guarantees of placement for requests.

Spring Baseball Season (Feb.-June):
Online registration begins in November the previous year, then assessments are held and teams selected in January. Practices begin around the middle of January and games begin in early Feb., and continue into early June. All Star participation may last into July. Our Available Programs page lists registration opportunities when they're open. You'll need to create an account and enter your player(s) information before you register.

Equipment Needed:
Players typically need the following equipment: cleats (rubber/plastic), batting helmet, USA Baseball–approved bat (2018 or newer; look for the "USA Baseball" sticker about the grip tape), glove, baseball pants, briefs/cup combo, and bag/backpack to carry it all. Ask your manager for more specific information. Please label all your equipment.

League-provided uniforms include a jersey and hat.

Questions related to Spring Ball Registration:

Do I need to provide proof of residency every year, even if I haven't moved?
Yes, per Little League regulations, every year we need the past year to current year (February 1 to February 1) proof of residency (3 documents).

If my player is using the school form as proof of residency, do I need to renew this form every year?      
No, as long as we have your first form on file. Once your player moves to a new school (e.g., middle school) out of the league's boundaries and the player wants to remain in the league, then a IId Waiver needs to be completed and approved by the District DA.

Do I need to fill out a new Registration Packet every year even if there are no changes from the previous year?      
Yes, every season a new Medical Release, Concussion Form, Code of Conduct, and Registration form is needed.

If my player is playing on a IId Waiver, how does this work?                                                               
You must submit a IId Waiver if you lived within the league's boundaries and then moved, or changed schoolsIf you submit a waiver and it's approved by the District DA, a copy is given to the family and a separate copy is kept on file with the league. You then submit this waiver as the Proof of Residency along with the Registration Packet. 

Practices and Games:
All teams except tee ball are composed via draft. Once managers draft their teams, s/he will determine practice days.  Managers select practice days based on field availability and game schedule. Most teams will play 2 games per week--one weekday and one Saturday--and practice between those days. Practices are held at either the SCLL fields, or a nearby alternate location (park or school field).
You can register your player online and pay the registration fee via the Available Programs page, after you create an account  and enter your player(s) information.
Team Selections:
Mandatory assessments take place in mid January with teams announced soon thereafter. A draft is conducted for the upper (Majors & Minors) and lower (Rookies & Caps) divisions to ensure our teams are balanced and everyone has a chance for post-season play. Buddy requests may be made for lower division teams, but aren't guaranteed.

Schools Within our Boundaries:
The following schools are within SCLL boundaries: St. Therese Academy, Hearst, Green, and Dailard Elementary. If utilizing the school rule, complete the School Enrollment form found on the documents page. Parents must fill out the top portion, take it to the school and have the principal/administrative assistant sign the document. Turn in this document when Spring season registration opens. 

Tournament Of Champions or TOC:
At the end of every Spring season teams in the Majors, Minors and Rookies Divisions play in the Tournament of Champions, typically known as "TOC". TOC is a double-elimination tournament, and held in the last week of the season.  Winners of TOC in the Majors and Minors divisions go on to play in the District 33 TOC against teams from other leagues.


San Carlos Little League - San Diego, CA
P.O., Box 19101
San Diego, California 92159

Email: [email protected]

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