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San Carlos Little League - San Diego, CA

San Carlos Little League - San Diego, CA

Boundary Map

SCLL Boundary Map


You are eligible to play for San Carlos Little League if you reside within our boundaries, or attend any of the following schools:

Dailard Elementary, Green Elementary, Hearst Elementary or St. Therese Academy.

Click link below to check if your home address resides in San Carlos LL boundaries, or click on the boundaries map below, SCLL is green.


If you do not see your street name, please check with other local leagues such as Allied Gardens LL, Mission Trails LL,
Lake Murray LL or La Mesa National LL. 

Residency for a player can be determined using the address of either his/her home or the school currently attending. If a player was with SCLL the previous season, but no longer meets the residency requirements, he/she is eligible for a waiver. More information about eligibility requirements and acceptable forms of proof for residency verification are provided during the registration process. For questions, please contact the Player Agents: Sara Merrill - Majors Division [email protected] and Michelle Masuhr - Minors division [email protected] or Carrie Kirby (Rookies, Caps, Tee Ball) [email protected].

District 33 Boundaries


San Carlos Little League - San Diego, CA
P.O., Box 19101
San Diego, California 92159

Email: [email protected]

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